The "Boxclub Nordend" at the inland port of Offenbach is a flagship project of the Hessian violence prevention and integration work.
After eight years of existence, the project has already won several awards. The goal of the boxing exercises is to assist participants in developing processes that enable them to avoid violence as a means of resolving conflicts. The project is specifically designed for violent adolescents and young people who were also previously in the role of the victims.
The majority of the young participants have a migration background. The highest possible cultural and social diversity enables the members to build more tolerance and understanding towards people from other social classes and cultures.
A respectful behavior to one another is exemplified and demanded consistently by the responsible coaches. Boxing teaches them to gain the ability to assert themselves and to achieve ambition. Boxing creates balancing of mind and body. The number one priority in the exercises of the Boxclub Nordend is teaching discipline and tolerance.
The analog photo series were made with the Canon A1 50mm.